Sunday, February 27, 2011

2011-02-26 Almos

Almos was the one cooperating today.

Hi Tove!

Slide show (5 pics) below.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pic of the day

Another instagram. Does anyone look at these?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

20110219 Mt Ranier

Got a few good shots of Mt. Ranier from a few different locations.

Click on the picture to get a full size, or on the slide show to see the folder.

Slide show below:

20110219 Pic of the day - Still Lake

Today was a beautiful day albeit very chilly.
Got a few good shots of Mt. Ranier (next post) stopped to turn around to go home and got this shot.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Got to see the boys today.

Hockey night

Got to go see an NHL game (Canucks v. Flames)'Saturday
Night. Thanks Andy!

Left after noon, sailed through the border crossing and had enough time for a great lamb dinner.

Got some cupcakes for Adrienne, no she won't share. I was tempted to take one but didn't because she was home with a sick baby. Luckily the car didn't get booted, since we forgot to pay. Paid the parking on the way to the arena.

Get to the arena and security tells me I have to check my lens, because it's over 75mm. Ohhh Kay.

They didn't see my 18-135, so i shot with that.

Got a few pics, no great ones.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Pic of the day. Ladybug

I think it knows Raine is coming home.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, February 10, 2011

20110210 Glass Museum

More pictures from the Tacoma Glass Museum.

See below for slideshow

Pic of the day - Moon over Museum

Was downtown today by the Tacoma Glass Museum hotshop and got this shot.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2011-02-09 Pic of the day

Another Pic of the Day
Tip of the hat to Darrin for his layout advice.

Here are the runner up photos:

Monday, February 7, 2011

First Cherry Blossom of Spring

Originally uploaded by lancehirakawa

February 7th. Its early for this to be posted, but there you have it. I've seen the first cherry blossums.

Grabbed 3 shots to post, i like these, but can't decide which is the best. I would love comments on which is your favorite.

Here is the slide show of all 3:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Lens, test shoot at CMZ

Originally uploaded by lancehirakawa

Went to Cougar Mtn Zoo to test out my new lens.
Posted results to flickr

Here is the slide show.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pic of the day

Originally uploaded by lancehirakawa

Sanpei lounging in front of the fire.
He positions himself under the table, it's hard to get a picture of him.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sunrise at Sunrise


Originally uploaded by lancehirakawa

Another Picture a day. Saw the sunrise reflected in the window and grabbed this shot.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Lightly frosted windshields and frozen small puddles are reported to litter south Puyallup this morning.

Motorists are warned to heat up their cars so their butts don't get cold. Young children are warned not to slide on puddles "so you don't fall down and crack your skull wide open"

Less on this developing story as it's cold and I can't type well on my iPhone.

Pictured: light frost on a glass picnic table

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone